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[12/9, 09:56] sekarreporter1: [12/9, 09:56] sekarreporter1: WP 5971 of 2020, Petitioner Mr. Alagesan. Judgement Delivered by Hon’ble Mr. Justice C. Saravanan, Argued by Dr. B. Ramaswamy for Income tax. Pleading for waiver of interest charged U/s. 220(2) and rule 5 of 2nd schedule of Income Tax Act, 1961. Hon’ble Judge directed the petitioner to pay tax. Under rule 5, the petitioner has to establish genuine hardship to get waiver of payment of interest. Hon’ble Justice C. Saravanan directed the petitioner to deposit Rs.5 Lakhs to the IT department as a condition to redoing the said exercise for waiver of Interest under rules 5 of 2nd schedule of IT act. Writ Petition Closed.
by Sekar Reporter · Published December 9, 2023