Bar and bench
[4/26, 16:00] Sekarreporter: [4/26, 12:59] Sekarreporter: [4/26, 11:32] Sekarreporter: [4/26, 11:31] Krishnamoorthy Advt: Before supremecourt if the argued counsel brought to the notice of honble bench the exemption agri lands of under surfaesi act could have been considered. THEIR lords igorance of surfaesi act provisions is imminently seen.what to do..they are the temples of justices.thats why Mr arignar anna said the arguments of lawyers is a torch in the case.unfortunately we are missing to see honble.Justice chandru as SUPREME COURT JUDGE. ADVRKRISHNAMURTHY SUPREME COURT
[4/26, 11:32] Sekarreporter: 🙏🏽
[4/26, 12:52] Sekarreporter: [4/26, 11:46] K. Chandru Former Judge Of Highcourt: அந்த தீர்ப்பும் கோகாய் அளித்ததுதான்!
[4/26, 11:48] K. Chandru Former Judge Of Highcourt: கிருஷ்ணமூர்த்தி கூறிய கருத்தை நீதிபதி வி.ஆர்.கிருஷ்ணய்யர் இன்னும் அழுத்தமாகவே கூறியிருக்கிறார்:-“the illiteracy of the Bench is the reflection of the illiteracy of the Bar”….!!
[4/26, 12:52] Sekarreporter: 🙏🏽🙏🏽
[4/26, 14:47] Chandrasekar Kumar Associate: இப்பொழுது இரண்டில் எது உள்ளது இரண்டும் உள்ளதா ? இரண்டுமே….,..?
[4/26, 16:04] Sekarreporter: HIS LORDSHIP MR KCJ IS RIGHTEOUSLY SAID
[4/26, 16:41] Sekarreporter: [4/26, 14:07] Patty Jeganathan Mhc Advt: Sekar, justice chandru, illiteracy of the Bench is always useful for a clever and intelligent Lawyer to win his client’s case. A Lawyer’s duty is to save his client. DHARMA. When you were a judge ,I myself tried to avoide your court. But lost one cooperative society case in your court. Bar is always intelligent more than Bench.
[4/26, 16:41] Sekarreporter: 🙏🏽