Murasoli trust memo filed by rs Barathi copy by Sekar Reporter · February 18, 2020 IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT MADRAS (Special Original Jurisdiction) W.P.No.35/2020 Murasoli Trust represented by its Trustee R.S.Bharathi .. Petitioner -Vs- The National Commission for Scheduled Caste and others .. Respondents MEMO FILED BY THE PETITIONER The above-named Petitioner humbly submits as follows: 1. That this Hon’ble Court passed an interim order on 02.01.2020 in the above Writ Petition with the following operative portion: “7. In the mean while, the petitioners are also directed to forward a list of the description of the documents, through which they claim that they have title over the property, which is assailed by the second respondent. They may forward the description of patta, if they have a patta, description of the title deed, if they have one. They need not disclose the entire details of patta or other documents. The following directions are issued. (1) The petitioner is directed to forward the list of documents with a brief description of the said documents to the first respondent. (2) The petitioner may nominate any responsible person to represent them before the first respondent at New Delhi and answer the summons on 07.01.2020 and handover the list of description of the documents, on the basis of which they claim title over the property, which is assailed before the Commission. (3) The first respondent may indicate to this Court the responsible Official, hopefully the Chairman, to represent the first respondent, since an allegation of bias has been raised as against the Vice-Chairman. (4) The second respondent may also give specific particulars in the complaint, which he has given, since prima facie the complaint given to the first respondent does not appear to have any details with respect to the Survey Number or any description of Door Number, which fact is also pointed out and faulted by the learned Senior Counsel for the petitioner. On receipt of the documents, it is hoped that the first respondent may not adjudicate and decide title, but while filing the counter affidavit, they may also explain the jurisdiction which they have to examine allegation regarding title and also cull out the necessary details, which they feel are required either by way of documents or other evidences to determine the issue on hand.” It is submitted that in compliance of the above said order in respect of the direction issued to the petitioner to forward the list of documents with a brief description of the said documents to the first respondent, by nominating a responsible person; the petitioner trust through its advocate handed over the list of documents with brief description of the documents relating to the title of the subject property, to the 1st Respondent on .01.2020. Hence, it is humbly prayed that this Hon’ble Court may be pleased to record that the petitioner has complied with direction issued by this Hon’ble Court to the petitioner in the interim order dt. 02.01.2020 in W.P.No.35/2020 and thus render justice. Dated at Chennai on this the 17th day of February 2020. COUNSEL FOR PETITIONER
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