NOTIFICATION NO. 1 / 2020 Pursuant to the Resolutions of the Hon’ble Full Court dated 07.12.2019, the printing and distribution of the manual cause list has been discontinued with effect from 01.01.2020. By Notification No. 494/2019 dated 28.12.2019, the members of the Bar have been requested to avail the modalities for viewing the causelist as well as the status of their cases. The members of the Bar are requested to utilize the above services and further requested to extend their fullest co-operation for successful transition to on-line causelist mode. // By Order // HIGH COURT, MADRAS : C.KUMARAPPAN DATED : 31.12.2019 : REGISTRAR GENERAL

Pursuant to the Resolutions of the Hon’ble Full Court dated 07.12.2019, the
printing and distribution of the manual cause list has been discontinued with effect from
01.01.2020. By Notification No. 494/2019 dated 28.12.2019, the members of the Bar have
been requested to avail the modalities for viewing the causelist as well as the status of
their cases.
The enrolment details, mobile number and e-mail id already furnished by the
members of Bar for obtaining Entry Pass will be utilized for the purpose of citizen centric
services such as SMS as an additional facility.
The members of the Bar, who have not already registered for entry pass with D8
Section/Security Wing of the Registry, are requested to register their enrolment details,
mobile number, e-mail id and other relevant details for availing the citizen centric
services viz., sending case details and cause list details through SMS for the effective
dissemination of on-line mode of causelist. To ease the process of Registration, an
extension counter of D8 Section/Security Wing has also been put up at Rajamannar Hall,
High Court of Madras.
In case of any inconvenience, the members of the Bar may contact;
1) The Registrar (Judicial)/Officer on Special Duty (Judicial), High Court,
2) The Registrar (IT-cum-Statistics)/Officer on Special Duty (e-Courts), High
Court, Madras.
The members of the Bar are requested to utilize the above services and further
requested to extend their fullest co-operation for successful transition to on-line causelist
// By Order //


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