Playing cards with stakes is not an offence under the Tamil Nadu Gaming Act and whereas playing cards in any gaming house is only an offence under the Act. As already pointed out that the Clubs in which the accused persons were played cards are not gaming under the purview of common gaming house.
[12/17, 21:31] Sekarreporter: [12/17, 21:30] Sekarreporter:
[12/17, 21:30] Sekarreporter: Playing cards with stakes is not an offence under the Tamil Nadu
Gaming Act and whereas playing cards in any gaming house is only an
offence under the Act. As already pointed out that the Clubs in which
the accused persons were played cards are not gaming under the
purview of common gaming house. Point No.6 is decided accordingly.for club advt Abudu kumar Rajarathnam argued justice allowed petition
[12/17, 21:33] Sekarreporter: Quashed