Seetharaman vs Mani
[4/15, 07:59] +91 98846 70187: 1. Order 21 Rule 46H
- Order 21 Rule 46I
- Order 21 Rule 47
- Order 21 Rule 48(1)
- Order 21 Rule 48 (for government employees) & Order 21 Rule 48A (for private employees)
[4/15, 08:44] Cpc G. Surya Narayanan Mhc Advt: Order 21 rule 48(1)(a) for 5
[4/15, 10:24] Cpc G. Surya Narayanan Mhc Advt: 2014(4) MLJ 85
Section 11
Seetharaman vs Mani
Defendant trespassed into suit property who was agreement holder and his agreement terminated pending suit for injunction by purchaser – application filed to amend suit for possession dismissed- suit abandoned and fresh suit for possession filed- held, agreement terminated and property sold for valid consideration- defendant claims right of possession under terminated agreement- plaintiff entitled to maintain suit for possession on the encroachment by defendant- earlier suit given up on trespass pending suit- substantial issue yet to be decided- suit not barred
Order 1 rule 10
2014(4) MLJ 546
Official liquidator vs Amarnath Shroff & others
Application filed by assignee of debt from petitioning creditor to implead themselves- rule 6 of Companies Rules make provision for application of provisions of CPC to proceedings- court can substitute creditor assigned his debt to implead application