Sivaji: 23-2-21 mahaveer shivaji MHC advocate: PART II CITIZENSHIP CONTINUES : From 1757 to 1857 India ruled by East India Company and 1858 to 1947 India ruled by Queen of England (the queen of england
[2/23, 21:41] Sivaji: 23-2-21 mahaveer shivaji MHC advocate: PART II CITIZENSHIP CONTINUES : From 1757 to 1857 India ruled by East India Company and 1858 to 1947 India ruled by Queen of England (the queen of england assumed herself as Empress of India by 1858 Queens Proclamation ) till such period India governed by law which are enacted by British parliament like Indian Charter Acts and Indian Council Acts. The last Act passed by British parliament towards India is INDIAN INDEPENDENCE ACT 1947. Before this itself the issues of citizenship arised due to PARTITION OF INDIA and people migration between India and Pakistan, which was considered to be a Great People Migration in the HISTORY OF MANKIND for the purpose of residence on the EARTH. The rulers are some time MORAL, some time IMMORAL and often AMMORAL. ………………..TAIL END NEWS IN CURRENT SCENARIO: When the law become lawless then MLA and MP and VOTERS may put into AUCTION like T20 by ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA then formation of government shall takes place., known as AUCTION DEMOCRACY………………. Thanks and Follows…….
[2/24, 06:35] Sekarreporter1: ☘️