The All India Chess Federation has strongly objected the reports published in certain section of media of the so called AICF online meeting and the resolutions taken in the said meeting.

27 APR 2020   |   04:42AM IST

AICF committed towards transprency

Report by


PANJIM: The All India Chess Federation has strongly objected the reports published in certain section of media of the so called AICF online meeting and the resolutions taken in the said meeting. 

In a press release, the chess body mentioned about a purported meeting which is not legal and the organizers of the said event do not have the authority to issue notice on behalf the Federation.

Furthermore it has been falsely claimed that authorized representatives from many states attended the meeting ahead of the upcoming elections. 

“Certain disgruntled elements within the Federation, are terrified at the prospect of losing power in the upcoming election, are circulating a pack of lies in the media to sabotage the democratic process in the sports body.” 

“The process of election is already underway and is supervised by the Madras High Court. Even as the voters list has been displayed and the nomination papers submitted the group who have the support of minority is attempting to sabotage the elections by disaffiliating the voters who are opposed to them through unconstitutional means.” 

“We are confident that the election process will be completed as soon as the lock down is lifted and all the confusion will be settled. Legal action will be initiated against the conspirators.”All India Chess Federation is committed to work for the welfare of the chess players and promotion of the sport in India. 

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