The matter relates to the alleged non-disclosure of ₹1.35 crore received in cash by Karti Chidambaram and his wife The judge of the special court for cases related to elected MPs and MLAs in Chennai, has dismissed a discharge petition filed by Congress Sivaganga MP Karti Chidambaram and his wife Srinidhi Chidambaram in a case relating to the alleged non-disclosure of income for the financial year 2015-16 and evasion of tax.
The matter relates to the alleged non-disclosure of ₹1.35 crore received in cash by Karti Chidambaram and his wife
The judge of the special court for cases related to elected MPs and MLAs in Chennai, has dismissed a discharge petition filed by Congress Sivaganga MP Karti Chidambaram and his wife Srinidhi Chidambaram in a case relating to the alleged non-disclosure of income for the financial year 2015-16 and evasion of tax.