The Telangana High Court has intervened in the Hyderabad Encounter case, which saw the four accused of raping and murdering ‘Disha’ being killed in an encounter by the state police.

The Telangana High Court has intervened in the Hyderabad Encounter case, which saw the four accused of raping and murdering ‘Disha’ being killed in an encounter by the state police.
In an order passed late Friday evening, the High Court has directed that the video of the post mortem of the accused, being conducted at the Government District Hospital, be sent to the Principal District Judge at Mahboobnagar.
The order was passed after a representation was received by the office of the Chief Justice at 6 PM on Friday. The representation sought the intervention of the High Court in the Hyderabad Encounter case. Subsequently, the matter was taken up at the residence of one of the judges on the Division Bench.
Advocate General BS Prasad appeared before the Bench at 8 PM on Friday, submitting that the post mortem of the four accused was underway. He also submitted that the post mortem was being recorded on video.
The Bench of Justice MS Ramachandra Rao and Kunnur Lakshman Goud also directed that the bodies of the four accused killed in the encounter be preserved till 8 PM on December 9.
The matter has been directed to be posted before the Bench headed by Chief Justice Raghvendra Singh Chauhan on Monday, December 9, at 10:30 AM. The Advocate General for Telangana has been directed to communicate this order to all persons concerned and see to it that the order is implemented.
The Hyderabad Encounter case has drawn criticism from various quarters, with the National Human Rights Commission taking suo motu cognisance of the incident.
As per reports, the four accused persons were taken to the scene of the crime around 60 Km from Hyderabad “for a re-construction as part of the investigation“. According to the police personnel, one of them signaled to the others, possibly to escape and they further tried to snatch weapons from the police. At this point, the police fired at the accused persons, leading to their death.
[Read the order]

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