Today 7.01.2020 one Ganpat Lal Babel and another has filed Crl.O.P.257/2020 praying for quashing the FIR registered against 8 accused by C2 Elephant Gate Police station for the case of Extortion. In this FIR, accused’s are Mr.Sekar Babu MLA, Adv Saravanan (DMK spokes person) and other persons are all accused. This matter came up before Hon’ble Justice Mr.Rajamanickam – Court hall.47 as item no.51. State was represented by State PP A.Natarajan and Petitioner was represented by N R Elango Senior Advocate. State PP Mr.A.Natarajan informed the court that as per the administrative order of CHief Justice any petition filed or pending, were Present or former MLA or MP is an party, those cases will be heared only by Justice Audikesavalu. Therefore state PP informed the court to transfer this matter to the concerned court. Accepting the submission of state PP, Justice Rajamanickam ordered the registry to place this matter before the CJ and CJ will pass necessary orders regarding which competent court can hear this case.