Very interesting observations by RMDJ Bench. [4/21, 18:49] Sekarreporter: 123. It is not in dispute that the budgetary speech is delivered in the vernacular language in the assembly.

[4/21, 18:49] Sekarreporter: Very interesting observations by RMDJ Bench.
[4/21, 18:49] Sekarreporter: 123. It is not in dispute that the budgetary speech is delivered in the
vernacular language in the assembly. It is also not in dispute that the budgetary
speech is summed up as the object and reason for any enactment, which is also
obviously evident from the opening lines of the statement to object and
reasons in Legislative Assembly Bill No.2/2015. The actual budgetary speech
did not contain the word “henceforth translated as “inimael” which is the tamil
synonym for “henceforth” when 19 (2) (v) was addressed, but it is found only
with regard to section 19 (5) (c). The Tamil word “vagaiyil” would be taken to
mean as “hence” or “to enable” or “therefore”. In fact, on an overall reading of
the speech, it would imply that the implementation of the proviso had
diminished the competitiveness of the manufacturing industry. While so, an
improper translation cannot confer any right to the department. It is apropos to
quote the words of John Conington:

“A translator ought to endeavor not only to say what his author has said,
but to say it as he has said it.”

124. It is often said that much is lost in translation and nothing is better than
the original version. It is for this reason that the father of our nation Mahatma
Gandhi wanted to learn Tamil to read and understand Thirukkural, in its native
language. It is necessary that a person who translates the speech, is well versed
with both the languages. Nothing should be changed or deleted or added. The
purpose of translation is to convey the message of the author/speaker. In the
instant case, the English version of the speech culminating into the
statement of objects and reasons does not convey the true intent of the legislature, which
in the mind of this court is that the subsequent amendment brought in by Act 05/2015 was only to cure the defect.

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