10/05, 07:51] Senior Advt Wilson: https://x.com/pwilsondmk/status/1788754892795838532?s=46SCRAP EXAMS[10/05, 07:52] sekarreporter1: Please read the news report ofindianexpress.com/article/india/…According to the Senior Superintendent of Police in Bihar, the NEET question paper of @NTAExams was leaked a day before the examination

[10/05, 07:51] Senior Advt Wilson: https://x.com/pwilsondmk/status/1788754892795838532?s=46
[10/05, 07:52] sekarreporter1: Please read the news report of
According to the Senior Superintendent of Police in Bihar, the NEET question paper of @NTAExams was leaked a day before the examination. As a result, 13 individuals have been arrested in connection with this incident. The #NEETUG2024 exam was held on May 5, 2024, in 4,751 centres across 571 cities in India and abroad, with approximately 24 lakh candidates appearing for the exam. The incident raises concerns about the validity of the entrance tests. It is unknown what action will be taken by the authorities @NMC_IND @DghsIndia and what the future of students who have strained themselves to prepare and write the exams will be.
NEET has been associated with many evils, including inequality, social discrimination, and the loss of lives of more than 26 students. To abolish #NEETExams in Tamilnadu, Hon’ble @mkstalin introduced a bill in Sept 2021, and the TN Legislative Assembly adopted a resolution in this regard. The bill sent by TN to the Union Government passed in September 2021 still lies with Hon’ble @rashtrapatibhvn, as the Union Govt has yet to advise the Hon’ble President.
Hon’ble @Udhaystalin launched a massive campaign against NEET and gathered over more than 85 lakh signatures.
Therefore, I urge Hon’ble @mansukhmandviya to cancel the NEET exam in the locations where the papers have been leaked and conduct fresh exams. This is crucial to ensure fairness and merit and to protect the future of students who rely on this test to pursue their careers and dreams.
This is without prejudice to our demand to abolish NEET itself.

banneet #BANNEET


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