[12/16, 13:53] Sekarreporter1: https://twitter.com/sekarreporter1/status/1339123833802932225?s=08 [12/16, 13:53] Sekarreporter1: There is no allegation against chief minister at all It is only against kamaraj minister and S P Velumani minister. As per their own affidavit – State PP office

[12/16, 13:53] Sekarreporter1: https://twitter.com/sekarreporter1/status/1339123833802932225?s=08
[12/16, 13:53] Sekarreporter1: There is no allegation against chief minister at all

It is only against kamaraj minister and S P Velumani minister. As per their own affidavit

– State PP office

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