Honorable Justice Mr.N. Kirubakaran Mr.Rengapashyam, Mr.Ravindran, Mr.Parthasarathy, Mr.Raman of Adoc committee-MBA for taking the initiative to provide financial relief to all the members & their immediate family who have been admitted in hospitals for Covid 19 treatment . The affected members are requested to send the relevant details in the format attached with all the necessary supporting documents.

[5/24, 10:08] Louisal Ramesh Wla President Wla President: Dear Members,
On behalf of the Women Lawyers Association we would like to whole heartedly thank
Honorable Justice Mr.N. Kirubakaran
Mr.Rengapashyam, Mr.Ravindran, Mr.Parthasarathy, Mr.Raman of Adoc committee-MBA for taking the initiative to provide financial relief to all the members & their immediate family who have been admitted in hospitals for Covid 19 treatment .
The affected members are requested to send the relevant details in the format attached with all the necessary supporting documents.
We request the affected members to utilize the above opportunity.
Mrs.Louisal Ramesh President and committee
Contact No.Mr.M.Allaphichai 9841388023
Mr.A.Mugilan .9941370108
[5/24, 10:37] Sekarreporter1: 🙏🏼🙏🏼💐💐

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