[5/31, 18:41] Sekarreporter1: https://twitter.com/sekarreporter1/status/1399351445183352834?s=1006 [5/31, 18:41] Sekarreporter1: [5/31, 18:35] Sekarreporter1: Mr. J. Aristotle and Mr. D. Kumanan appointed as Advocate on Record for Government of Tamil Nadu in Supreme Court [5/31, 18:35] Sekarreporter1: ЁЯТР

[5/31, 18:41] Sekarreporter1: https://twitter.com/sekarreporter1/status/1399351445183352834?s=1006
[5/31, 18:41] Sekarreporter1: [5/31, 18:35] Sekarreporter1: Mr. J. Aristotle and Mr. D. Kumanan appointed as Advocate on Record for Government of Tamil Nadu in Supreme Court
[5/31, 18:35] Sekarreporter1: ЁЯТР

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