13/06, 17:42] sekarreporter1: https://x.com/sekarreporter1/status/1801225996424908877?t=2-ETqbetObU5hoee7GBRTg&s=08[13/06, 17:42] sekarreporter1: [13/06, 17:40] sekarreporter1: Suo Motu Cont.P.No.1480 of 2024Suo Motu Cont.P.No.1480 of 2024M.S.RAMESH, J.andSUNDER MOHAN, J.(Order of the Court was made by M.S.RAMESH, J.)On 24.04.2024, we had passed an order in this Suo motu Contempt Petition, calling uponthe contemnor to show cause as to why contempt proceedings should not be initiated againsthim for making scandalous allegations against the sitting Judge of the Hon’ble Supreme Court,as well as three sitting Judges of this Court. The said order reads as follows:”The contemnor is facing suo motu contempt proceedings in Suo Motu Contempt PetitionNo.142 of 2020, pursuant to the administrative orders passed by the then portfolio judges ofThiruallur District, before whom certain messages containing scandalous allegations against afew District Judges and the Judges of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, posted by the contemnor inhis facebook account were placed. The Hon’ble Acting Chief Justice had approved the saidminutes of the portfolio Judges and then the Registry had numbered the suo motu contemptcase as above.

[13/06, 17:42] sekarreporter1: https://x.com/sekarreporter1/status/1801225996424908877?t=2-ETqbetObU5hoee7GBRTg&s=08
[13/06, 17:42] sekarreporter1: [13/06, 17:40] sekarreporter1: Suo Motu Cont.P.No.1480 of 2024
Suo Motu Cont.P.No.1480 of 2024
(Order of the Court was made by M.S.RAMESH, J.)
On 24.04.2024, we had passed an order in this Suo motu Contempt Petition, calling upon
the contemnor to show cause as to why contempt proceedings should not be initiated against
him for making scandalous allegations against the sitting Judge of the Hon’ble Supreme Court,
as well as three sitting Judges of this Court. The said order reads as follows:
“The contemnor is facing suo motu contempt proceedings in Suo Motu Contempt Petition
No.142 of 2020, pursuant to the administrative orders passed by the then portfolio judges of
Thiruallur District, before whom certain messages containing scandalous allegations against a
few District Judges and the Judges of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, posted by the contemnor in
his facebook account were placed. The Hon’ble Acting Chief Justice had approved the said
minutes of the portfolio Judges and then the Registry had numbered the suo motu contempt
case as above.

  1. When Suo Motu Cont.P.No.142 of 2020 was listed before us on 04.03.2024, we
    directed fresh notice to the contemnor returnable by 04.04.2024. On 04.04.2024, the contemnor
    was present and we directed the appearance of the contemnor on all further hearings and
    posted the case for hearing on 22.04.2024, for framing of charges.
  2. In the meantime, the contemnor had been repeatedly sending communications through
    Registered Post to both of us directly and to Mr.Vijay Shankar, learned counsel for the High
    Court, making scandalous and frivolous allegations against us and other learned Judge of this
    Court and the Hon’ble Supreme Court. While we were exploring the further course of action on
    all those communications, on 22.04.2024, the contemnor filed a petition dated 22.04.2024
    seeking permission to record the proceedings before this Court in his mobile phone. In this
    petition, he has made certain false and frivolous allegations. Along with the petition he had
    enclosed a copy of the letter dated 17.04.2024 containing eight pages purported to have been
    sent by him to the Hon’ble Chief Justice of India making unsavoury remarks and scandalous
    allegations against High Court Judges in which the pictures of three sitting Judges of this Court
    and a picture of a sitting Judge of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, are found. He had also given the
    translated version of the said letter.
  3. Since, this letter containing scandalous and reckless allegations amount to contempt of
    Court on the face of the Court, we asked the contemnor on 22.04.2024 as to whether he was
    aware of the procedure, to which he replied that he was aware of the same and that it was this
    Court, which was ignorant of the procedure.
  4. We went through the contents of the letter dated 17.04.2024 annexed to the petition
    filed by the contemnor in detail and when the matter was listed today, we asked the contemnor
    as to whether he had written the letter containing those scandalous allegations and whether he
    stood by those allegations. He not only replied in the affirmative but also challenged us to take
    contempt action against him.
  5. The contemnor who is already facing contempt proceedings before us, has committed
    another contempt in the face of the Court by not only making such allegations but also by raising
    his voice and questioning the procedure adopted by this Court. His conduct tends to interfere in
    the administration of justice and therefore, amounts to criminal contempt. Hence, the Registry is
    directed to number this suo motu contempt petition.
    [13/06, 17:41] sekarreporter1: 7. The contemnor is hereby called upon to show cause as to why contempt action should
    not be taken against him for making scandalous allegations affecting the dignity and prestige of
    the Court, against three sitting Judges of this Court and a sitting Judge of the Hon’ble Supreme
    Court in his letter dated 17.04.2024, which is reproduced as Annexure-A of this order and the
    petition dated 22.04.2024, which is reproduced as Annexure-B, on or before 13.06.2024.
  6. Registry is called upon to send a copy of this order to the contemnor by registered post
    Annexure – A
    Annexure – B
  7. In this background, the Suo Motu Contempt Petition was listed today. Even before any
    question is put to him, the contemnor, who is present before this Court today, volunteered and
    reiterated that the statements made by him against the Judge of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, as
    well as the Judges of this Court, which have been extracted in our earlier order dated
    24.04.2024, are true. He further added that both of us sitting in this Bench, are criminals and we
    cannot hear this case. When we indicated to the contemnor that criminal contempt has been
    made out and questioned him as to why sentence cannot be imposed on him, he challenges us
    saying that any order can be passed against him.
  8. The contemnor, namely PU.Venkatesan, is already facing a suo motu contempt
    proceedings in Suo Motu Contempt Petition No.142 of 2020 and pending the earlier Contempt
    Petition, he had made scandalous and reckless allegations, through letters dated 17.04.2024

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