[14/10, 14:41] Vinothpandian: 2013 (2) SCC ( cri ) 611 : sangeet vs state of haryana : section 432 of CRPC applicable in only two situations , where a convict is to be given ” additional remission or remission for a period over and above the period that he is entitled to or he is awarded under a statutory rule framed by the appropriate government or under the jail manual and where a convict is sentenced to life imprisonment which is for an indefinite period subject to procedural and substantive checks[14/10, 14:41] Vinothpandian: 2014 (2) CCC 621 : shiv mandir prabandhak committee , khatik mandi and others vs piara singh and others : law of amendment of pleadings is liberal and amendment of pleadings can be allowed before commencement of trial by compensating other party with costs , amendment of pleading after commencement of trial has been curtailed but amendment of pleadings before commencement of trial continues to be liberal ( order 6 rule 17 CPC 1908 )[14/10, 14:41] Vinothpandian: 2020 (4) CTC 201 : shantilal kothari vs sathrasala venkatram : Executing court cannot sit as Appellate authority over ex parte judgement to reverse decree or declare judgement as nullity and inexecutable ( order 47 CPC 1908)[14/10, 14:41] Vinothpandian: 2012 (4) CCC 133 SC : M/ S Payal vision ltd vs Radhika choudhary : Structural changes made by tenant with or without landlords consent does not affect tenant – landlord relationship ( order x11 rule 6 CPC 1908 ) , Admission made on the basis of pleadings in a given case cannot be taken as an admission in a different situation[14/10, 14:41] Vinothpandian: 2020 (5) CTC 812 : Dhananjezhiyan vs kuppu : Registration act 1908 sec 17 & 49 : unstamped and unregistered document is inadmissible in evidence , it cannot be relied upon in court proceedings when such document becomes basis of claim of person tracing his or her title

[14/10, 14:41] Vinothpandian: 2013 (2) SCC ( cri ) 611 : sangeet vs state of haryana : section 432 of CRPC applicable in only two situations , where a convict is to be given ” additional remission or remission for a period over and above the period that he is entitled to or he is awarded under a statutory rule framed by the appropriate government or under the jail manual and where a convict is sentenced to life imprisonment which is for an indefinite period subject to procedural and substantive checks
[14/10, 14:41] Vinothpandian: 2014 (2) CCC 621 : shiv mandir prabandhak committee , khatik mandi and others vs piara singh and others : law of amendment of pleadings is liberal and amendment of pleadings can be allowed before commencement of trial by compensating other party with costs , amendment of pleading after commencement of trial has been curtailed but amendment of pleadings before commencement of trial continues to be liberal ( order 6 rule 17 CPC 1908 )
[14/10, 14:41] Vinothpandian: 2020 (4) CTC 201 : shantilal kothari vs sathrasala venkatram : Executing court cannot sit as Appellate authority over ex parte judgement to reverse decree or declare judgement as nullity and inexecutable ( order 47 CPC 1908)
[14/10, 14:41] Vinothpandian: 2012 (4) CCC 133 SC : M/ S Payal vision ltd vs Radhika choudhary : Structural changes made by tenant with or without landlords consent does not affect tenant – landlord relationship ( order x11 rule 6 CPC 1908 ) , Admission made on the basis of pleadings in a given case cannot be taken as an admission in a different situation
[14/10, 14:41] Vinothpandian: 2020 (5) CTC 812 : Dhananjezhiyan vs kuppu : Registration act 1908 sec 17 & 49 : unstamped and unregistered document is inadmissible in evidence , it cannot be relied upon in court proceedings when such document becomes basis of claim of person tracing his or her title

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