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The Madras High Court on Friday rejected a plea by Lyca Productions to restrain film director S. Shankar from making any other movie without completing the Kamal Haasan-starrer Indian 2. Justice N. Sathish Kumar also refused to direct Mr. Shankar to furnish security for ₹170.23 crore, the amount Lyca Productions had reportedly spent so far on making Indian 2, if he wanted to direct two movies in parallel. The judge agreed with senior counsel P.S. Raman, and advocate saikumaran representing the director, that Lyca Productions had not made out a prima facie case to grant an injunction restraining him from working on other movies till Indian 2 is completed. However, the firm could file a civil suit for damages against the director if it could prove that he was the reason for the delay in completing Indian 2, he added.
by Sekar Reporter · Published July 3, 2021