Polling time: 10 am to 5 pm. You can cast 16 Votes President -1 Vice president -1 Secretary -1 Treasurer -1 *Librarian -1* (For N.Vijayaraj in SL. No. 12.) Senior EC member -6 Junior EC member-5 Regards, Dr.*N. VIJAYARAJ* SL. No. 12. Contesting for *LIBRARIAN* Post. [12/14, 10:17] sekarreporter1: 👍

[12/14, 10:03] Vijayaraj Special PP ADMK: Dear MHAA Member,

MHAA Election date: 15.12.2023.

For voting in MHAA Election, QR code sheet is mandatory.

QR Code is available in website MHAA.in

Kindly take a print copy of the QR code and Bring it along with your Bar Council ID card or MHAA ID card.

Election will be held in MHAA Hall, MHAA Library Hall and in MHAA Corridor.

Only one Entry Point at Aavin Milk Booth Opp gate.

Separate Booth for women advocates and seniors aged above 65 years.

For any election related queries, Teller committee arranged Help Desk near polling booth.

Polling time: 10 am to 5 pm.

You can cast 16 Votes

President -1
Vice president -1
Secretary -1
Treasurer -1
*Librarian -1*
(For N.Vijayaraj in SL. No. 12.)
Senior EC member -6
Junior EC member-5

SL. No. 12.
Contesting for *LIBRARIAN* Post.
[12/14, 10:17] sekarreporter1: 👍

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