01/05, 23:43] Advt Purusothaman: https://youtu.be/drUxhA2Gy48?si=4GUeTfm9uzuIDUmh[01/05, 23:53] Advt Purusothaman: Learned AG P.S.Raman Sir in his speech in farewell function of Honble Justice G.Chandrasekaran refers among his Lordship’s commendable judgements, first case referred is Muthulakshmi vs State in which his Lordship awarded 15 Lakhs compensation to a victim whose husband died under mysterious circumstances in Coimbatore Government Hospital even though the deceased was alive for fourteen days and this was concealed from the family till his death by Police who only sent him by ambulance to hospital.

[01/05, 23:43] Advt Purusothaman: https://youtu.be/drUxhA2Gy48?si=4GUeTfm9uzuIDUmh
[01/05, 23:53] Advt Purusothaman: Learned AG P.S.Raman Sir in his speech in farewell function of Honble Justice G.Chandrasekaran refers among his Lordship’s commendable judgements, first case referred is Muthulakshmi vs State in which his Lordship awarded 15 Lakhs compensation to a victim whose husband died under mysterious circumstances in Coimbatore Government Hospital even though the deceased was alive for fourteen days and this was concealed from the family till his death by Police who only sent him by ambulance to hospital. His Lordship gave a patient hearing and sternly passed a landmark order. With interest the victim got about 22 lakhs. Writ was filed in 2014. The main case bumdle went “missing” so many government pleaderd handled the matter. Bundle was reconstructed. So many judges simply gave adjournments. But his Lordship decided it. I am always deeply obliged to his Lordship. It is one of such cases which give confidence in ourselves as advocates. I am the counsel for Petitioner. M.Purushothaman.
[02/05, 07:48] sekarreporter1: 👍👍

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