In #MadrasHighCourt

Judge: Senior Counsel we may not be able to hear your matter today

Senior Counsel Harish Salve (after going through his engagements): Then, I will take it on July 15 MiLord. If I can be accommodated before that, I will take it on July 11

In #MadrasHighCourt

Judge: Senior Counsel we may not be able to hear your matter today

Senior Counsel Harish Salve (after going through his engagements): Then, I will take it on July 15 MiLord. If I can be accommodated before that, I will take it on July 11

Judge: Senior Counsel we may not be able to hear your matter today

Senior Counsel Harish Salve (after going through his engagements): Then, I will take it on July 15 MiLord. If I can be accommodated before that, I will take it on July 11

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