Munusamy Sgp Admk: AN indelible reminiscenceSince then I have forgotten the word ” YES” in active domain. C. MUNUSAMY, Special Government Pleader (Education) [4/4, 15:11] Sekarreporter 1: Super sir
Sekar Reporter
April 4, 2020
[4/4, 13:49] Munusamy Sgp Admk: AN indelible reminiscence When I was a six month old child in the legal profession, my senior, (of course, believing and hoping strongly on my ability and capability!! ), entrusted me the task of an appeal brief (LPA – Letters Patent Appeal) to argue before the then 2nd division bench, consisting of a north Indian senior judge whose pronunciation was baffling and incomprehensible to a little linguistic domain of mine. After having completed the arguments by both sides, the senior Judge posed me some words to which I instantly replied ” YES “. Immediately, the stenographer was called to jot down and fortunately, thanks to my English teacher, I perceived the last word, uttered by the respected judge as’dismissed’. Having perplexed over the dismissal of my appeal, I went to the stenographer and learnt that the learned senior Judge asked me ” Haven’t you established your case before the trial court by adducing tangible evidence “. Since then I have forgotten the word ” YES” in active domain. C. MUNUSAMY, Special Government Pleader (Education) [4/4, 15:11] Sekarreporter 1: Super sir