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சனாதானம் என்னை கேட்காமல் judge jayachandren order கருத்து. அமைச்சர்கள் மீது எப்ஐஆர் போட சொன்னது எல்லாம் தவறுங்க சேகர் பாபு அப்பீல் மனு தாக்கல் மூத்த வக்கீல் ஜோதி வாதாடுகிறார் crl op மேல் அப்பீல் வருமா ஐகோர்ட்டில் legal point MEMORANDUM OF GROUNDS OF WRIT APPEAL UNDER ARTICLE 226 OF THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA READ WITH CLAUSE 15 OF THE LETTERS PATENT ACT ) IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT MADRAS ( Appellate Side Jurisdiction ) W.A.No. of 2023 Against W.P.No. 30692 of 2023 (on the file of Hon’ble High Court, Madras) P.K. Sekar Babu,
by Sekar Reporter · Published December 8, 2023
7/2, 11:34] sekarreporter 9445430817: [7/2, 11:34] sekarreporter 9445430817: [7/2, 11:28] Goutham mhc advt –+This is the justice for the departed soul, the Honble Madras High court has taken a stubborn and sticking view to see to that the justice is fully delivered by upholding the system and showing the general public that the court is the temple of justice and the will monitor even unmonitored place. The Honble judges Pnpj and bpj acted instantly and they have not spared a single moment that giving space for the escape of the culprits. They monitored all the way and steps they have initiated finding primafacie in the case and
by Sekar Reporter · Published July 2, 2020