senthil.balaji case அடுத்தது என்ன?




[6/17, 08:55] sekarreporter1: [6/17, 08:49] Durai Arun:


[6/17, 08:53] Durai Arun: Dear Krishna moorthy Sir , As a Supreme Court Advocate , u know very well that section 161 of CRPC is Examination of Witnesses by Police. As far as Police custody is concerned that ED or any other agency can file a petition under section 167 of CRPC not through section 161.
[6/17, 08:54] Durai Arun: Dear Krishna moorthy Sir , As a Supreme Court Advocate , u know very well that section 161 of CRPC is Examination of Witnesses by Police. As far as Police custody is concerned that ED or any other agency can file a petition under section 167 of CRPC not through section 161 of CRPC.
[6/17, 08:58] sekarreporter1:



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