8-1-21 mahaveer shivaji MHC advocate: FREEDOM in the preamble: The freedom is inseparable with democratic form of government. it includes freedom of think, thought, speech, expression,belief,faith and worship etc., it includes many invisible rights

8-1-21 mahaveer shivaji MHC advocate: FREEDOM in the preamble: The freedom is inseparable with democratic form of government. it includes freedom of think, thought, speech, expression,belief,faith and worship etc., it includes many invisible rights like move and fly reside, silent,profession, trade, occupation, information etc., These rights are not ensured when India under the colonial country under the British regime. ofcourse these principles are western principles.before this our country was not familiar to these principles as Found in the preamble of our constitution.this freedom tend to right thinking,which tend to skillness, which tend well trained,which tend to innovative ideas, which tend to invention…… like this the freedom having chain of outcome to enrichment in all spere of life and development.it is fundamental of all rights. these ideology in the preamble well debated in our constituent assembly as Idea of Ghandhi and Nehru and it was incorporated in our Constitution almost after written the constitution and made it as preamble as introduction to it………..TAIL END NEWS IN CURRENT SCENARIO……. The election campaign needs to prohibit till the election notification comes. therefore ceiling for expenses in election required to political parties also, otherwise imposing restrictions on candidate is become meaningless………. Thanks and Follows

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