Extraordinary judgement by her lordship justice srimathy Her lordship in her judgement quoted that As stated by Mahatma Gandhi

Extraordinary judgement by her lordship justice srimathy Her lordship in her judgement quoted that As stated by Mahatma Gandhi villages are heart of our
country, the villages ought to be allowed to carry on their functions on
their own, otherwise the villagers would be forced to leave the villages
and it would lead to urbanization. This is applicable to the management
of village temples as well. The powers and rights of the villages cannot
be curtailed by appointing a fit person. Admittedly the fit person would
be alien to the said village. In Panchayat Raj system the rights and
powers would percolate to the villages. Likewise, the rights and powers
of villages ought to be allowed to percolate to villages in the case of
temple administration also. If any mistakes are committed, then it can be
rectified by peace committee meeting, chance to rectify the mistakes. Not
by straight away appointing a fit person. On the other hand, if any fit
person is appointed, who is alien to the place would have other unwanted

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