Sivaji: CONSTITUTION CONTINUES – PART – III, ARTICLE 14, Mahaveer Shivaji, advocate, MHC………. RIGHT TO EQUALITY: The Art. 14 contains two expression. One is Equality before the law and another one is Equal protection of laws. The explanation to the first expression is that, all are equal before the

[11/15, 23:51] Sivaji: CONSTITUTION CONTINUES – PART – III, ARTICLE 14, Mahaveer Shivaji, advocate, MHC………. RIGHT TO EQUALITY: The Art. 14 contains two expression. One is Equality before the law and another one is Equal protection of laws. The explanation to the first expression is that, all are equal before the law, the law treating everyone in equal position, law doesn’t make any forms of discrimination or disability to access law and to avail the benefits of the same. It is further enshrined the concept of RULE OF LAW, that is no one is above the law and it is basic structure, basic feature of the Constitution. If the question arises in a democratic country that PEOPLE -vs- LAW and which one will prevail over the other, the answer is only the law not the people ie., the people cannot prevail over the law and people rule means rule within frame work of the law and here the law means mainly the Constitution law. So the people and all other enacted laws are not above the Constitution and the Constitution alone is supreme having special legal sanctity being it as fundamental law of the nation, even though the state sovereign is lies with people not with any individual or constitutional functionaries but all is under law and law is not under anyone…………….. FOLLOWS
[11/16, 06:40] Sekarreporter 1: .

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