The Madras high court has issued notice to the Tamil Nadu Uniformed Services Recruitment Board (TNUSRB) on a plea moved by 11 candidates challenging the provisional list of selected candidates for the post of grade II police constable, citing that the backlog vacancies under BC (Muslim) were not filled up.judge m s ramesh ordered notice
Sekar Reporter
February 18, 2020
ADSOPEN APP CITY Candidates challenge list of selected candidates for police constable TNN | Feb 18, 2020, 04:40 IST AA Madurai: The Madras high court has issued notice to the Tamil Nadu Uniformed Services Recruitment Board (TNUSRB) on a plea moved by 11 candidates challenging the provisional list of selected candidates for the post of grade II police constable, citing that the backlog vacancies under BC (Muslim) were not filled up. REMOVE ADS The candidates belonging to various southern districts, belonging to BC Muslim category, in their petition, stated that the TNUSRB had issued a notification dated March 6, 2019 for recruitment of 8,888 posts of grade II police constable, including 62 backlog vacancies of BC (Muslim) category. They stated that they had cleared the written examination which was conducted on August 25, 2019. They also passed the physical test and participated in certificate verification and were hoping to get selected under BC (Muslim) category. When TNUSRB issued the provisional selection list on February 4, they were shocked to notice that only 10 backlog vacancies of the 62 were filled up. As per provisions of the Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act, 2016, backlog vacancies should to be filled up first. Hence, the petitioners moved the high court Madurai bench challenging the provisional selection list and sought to appoint them in the post of grade II police constable under BC (Muslim) category based on their marks. The petitioners also sought for an interim injunction restraining TNUSRB from issuing appointment orders to the provisionally selected candidates till the disposal of the petition. When the petition was heard on Monday, justice M S Ramesh ordered notice to TNUSRB and adjourned the case to a further date for hearing.