Mhc advt arun —Honourable Mr.Justice K.Chandru (retd). Certain things I need to say here
[4/28, 13:09] Sekarreporter: [4/28, 12:48] Sekarreporter: [4/28, 11:59] K. Chandru Former Judge Of Highcourt:
[4/28, 12:01] K. Chandru Former Judge Of Highcourt: இந்த சென்னை உ.நீ.மன்றத் தீர்ப்பு இனி செல்லாது.சுப்ரீம் கோர்ட்டின் சமீபத்திய தீர்ப்பை பார்க்கவும்!!
[4/28, 13:08] Sekarreporter: [4/28, 13:05] K. Chandru Former Judge Of Highcourt: ராமசந்திரா மருத்துவக்கல்லூரி(போரூர்) டிபுடி ரிஜிஸ்திரார் மாணவர் சேர்க்கைக்கு லஞ்சம் பெற்றுக்கொண்ட வழக்கில் ஊழல் தடுப்புச் சட்டம் நிர்நிலைப் பல்கலைக்கழகங்களுக்குப் பொருந்தாது என்றும் அதன் ஊழியர்கள் அச்சட்ட வரையறை மில் வரமாட்டார்கள் என்று 2014 வில் தீர்ப்பளித்தது சென்னை உயர்நீதிமன்றம்.குற்றம் சாட்டப்பட்டவர் டிஸ்சார்ஜ் செய்யப்பட்டார்.அதேபோன்றவேறோரு வழக்கில் ஊழல் தடுப்பச்சட்டம் நிகர்நிலைப்பல்கலைக்கழகங்களுக்கும் பொருந்தும் என்று 6வருடம் கழித்து இத்தீர்ப்பு வந்துள்ளது.எதிர்பார்த்த படியே ராமசந்திரா மருத்துவக்கல்லூரி வழக்கில் அரசு மேல்முறையீடு செய்யவில்லை!
[4/28, 13:07] Sekarreporter:
[4/28, 13:21] Sekarreporter: Former Judge k chandru நிகர்நிலைப்பல்கலைக்கழகங்களுக்கும் பொருந்தும் என்று 6வருடம் கழித்து இத்தீர்ப்பு வந்துள்ளது
[4/28, 13:46] Sekarreporter: [4/28, 13:45] Sekarreporter: CBI cases, Chennai in CC.NO.26/2011 for the offences under Sections Sections 7 and 15 read with 13(2) read with 13(1)(d) of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988.agsinst deemed universityB.D.S and M.B.B.S course, it would cost Rs.35 lakhs and Rs.40 lakhs respectively. Based on the sting
[4/28, 13:45] Sekarreporter: [4/28, 13:43] Arun Kumar Mhc Advt 4444: I have come across a news Feed regarding the deemed university judgment in connection with Prevention of corruption Act by Honourable Mr.Justice K.Chandru (retd). Certain things I need to say here
- The case was a sting operation.
- Even as per the prosecution case there was no bribe money transferred.
- The prosecution is by CBI and the CBI had approached the Apex Court challenging the orde of the Madras High Court and the same is pending as on date.
[4/28, 13:43] Arun Kumar Mhc Advt C.Arun Kumar
[4/28, 13:58] Sekarreporter: [4/28, 13:51] K. Chandru Former Judge Of Highcourt: In the supreme court case the registry refused to number the case.But in our high court the registry has a check list on procedure.Regsrding maintainability they can raise the issue After getting response they put up a note and after getting oral permission from the judge they post the matter before the court for an hearing.Therefore it is the judges who decide the question on maintainability.No need to blame the Registry.There are well laid legal bar like matter arising from AFT or matter to go to CAT etc.
If the they don’t raise objection they will be blamed by the judges.Howvthe judge help the situation is that the AE can meet the judge and put his doubt .If the judge tells him to put the the papers for maintainability they can do so without inviting the lawyers.
When I was in WP admission I always ask the AE to meet me and get his doubts cleared.Evenvifcthe petition is not maintainable I tell them to number it.When at the time admission I used to raise the issue.One day one lawyer told me that since the registry didn’t raise any objection at the time of numbering his petition was maintainable!!
[4/28, 13:58] Sekarreporter: 🙏🏽
[4/28, 14:13] Sekarreporter: [4/28, 13:59] Arun Kumar Mhc Advt 4444: This is totally wrong. The CBI had appealed and the SLP is pending
[4/28, 14:03] Sekarreporter: 🙏🏽🙏🏽
[4/28, 14:11] Arun Kumar Mhc Advt 4444: SLP ( CRL ) No. 756-759 / 2015
[4/28, 14:11] Arun Kumar Mhc Advt 4444: This is the no
[4/28, 14:13] Sekarreporter: [4/28, 14:04] K. Chandru Former Judge Of Highcourt: Mr.Arun kumar.The accused was discharged without a trial only ontheground that he was not a public servant!!I am glad if the matter is still pending in SC it will set aside our court’s judgment and send it for trial!!
[4/28, 14:13] Sekarreporter: [4/28, 13:59] Arun Kumar Mhc Advt 4444: This is totally wrong. The CBI had appealed and the SLP is pending
[4/28, 14:03] Sekarreporter: 🙏🏽🙏🏽
[4/28, 14:11] Arun Kumar Mhc Advt 4444: SLP ( CRL ) No. 756-759 / 2015
[4/28, 14:11] Arun Kumar Mhc Advt 4444: This is the no
[4/28, 16:01] Sekarreporter: [4/28, 14:13] Sekarreporter: [4/28, 14:04] K. Chandru Former Judge Of Highcourt: Mr.Arun kumar.The accused was discharged without a trial only ontheground that he was not a public servant!!I am glad if the matter is still pending in SC it will set aside our court’s judgment and send it for trial!!
[4/28, 14:13] Sekarreporter: [4/28, 13:59] Arun Kumar Mhc Advt 4444: This is totally wrong. The CBI had appealed and the SLP is pending
[4/28, 14:03] Sekarreporter: 🙏🏽🙏🏽
[4/28, 14:11] Arun Kumar Mhc Advt 4444: SLP ( CRL ) No. 756-759 / 2015
[4/28, 14:11] Arun Kumar Mhc Advt 4444: This is the no
[4/28, 14:25] Arun Kumar Mhc Advt 4444: Respected Sir. I am the counsel on record in trial court aswell as High Court. Let us wait for the final judgment of the Apex Court🙏